This Summer come join us and gain a profound understanding of the Foundation Skills contained in the Art of Hsing Yi Neigong -  guiding you to develop Inner Strength, Enhance Flexibility and Gain Vital Health.  Do not miss this amazing opportunity to deeply explore this rare system.  Hsing Yi Neigong has been an integral aspect of my personal training and a key in my experience of Awakening Internal Strength.  My first experience with this Hsing Yi System began in the early 1990's -  and I have to honestly say, it is truly a precious treasure for guiding one to develop Inner Strength, Vital Health and Mental Fortitude.

Our Hsing Yi Neigong course training will be given online through the ZOOM platform - our first of Eight Live Classes in this series will begin on Sunday, June, 23rd.  Starting time will be  5:00pm - Pacific Daylight Time.  Each live lesson will be recorded and uploaded to our Website Learning Center, so students may practice, refine their form, and progress at their own pace.

Hsing Yi Neigong is one of the greatest tools one can apply to developing a profound unified condition of the body and mind.   An integral aspect of Hsing Yi training will be specialized postures of Standing Meditation which will develop a heightened ability in your mental focus, will power and concentration ability.

The term Hsing - 形 -  refers to shape, form, substance and body.  Yi - 意 -refers to the focused Mind Will Intention.  The nuanced meaning of joining these two terms together gives us an image of Joining the Mind and Body into a Unified State of Harmony.  There are various styles, methods and sects of Hsing Yi which are often divided into the region of China where the style developed.   

Our System of Hsing Yi is drawn directly from the North River Style that developed in the Hebei region of Northern China.

This course training will focus on deeply exploring the pratice of the 5 Exercises of Power - a set of five essential Neigong exercises that will help to greatly strengthen, transform and enhance the physical body.  We will also deeply explore the Way of Standing Meditation - Zhan Zhuang - a method of entering into physical stillness, focused concentration, and deep breathwork.   We will learn five Classic Postures of Zhan Zhuang in this course, and explore the application of how to apply Internal Breathwork within each posture.

Join us this Summer and dive deep into the Life Changing practice of HsingYi Neigong and the 5 Exercises of Power.


Hsing Yi Neigong Program Training Curriculum


- 5 Exercises of Power - 

* In this course training we will focus to learn five essential methods of Hsing Yi Neigong which are designed to fundamentally change the soft tissues of the body, transform the skeletal system, strengthen the internal organs, and open the space which exists in the joints. The 5 Exercises of Power form the basic foundation and fundamental skills for the entire process of developing Inner Power. The 5 Exercises of Power most importantly begin the process of building Inner Energy within the body, which will Lay the Foundation.

- Double Butterfly Neigong -

* We will train in three beginning methods from the Double Butterfly Neigong, which will serve as one part of our warm ups.  The Double Butterfly Neigong will help us develop suppleness, coordination, flexibility, leg root, and integrated strength.  The Double Butterfly Neigong is a specialty of our system - giving us single exercises to aid in developing fundamental movement skills and power development.  

- Hsing Yi and PaKua  Foundation Training -

* We will learn basic fundamental movement vocabulary from the arts of Hsing Yi and PaKua - these basic exercises will be used for our warm ups before training in the 5 Exercises of Power.  This will be an important aspect for Basic Skill Development,  building a stable leg root, developing strength, loosening the body, gaining physical coordination, and developing the basics of Qigong.

- Reverse Breath Training - 

* Learning proper breathwork is one very essential aspect of Neigong Training.  We will learn the specialized breathing methods from our system for building, developing and Strengthening the Dantian Center - which will aid in building and developing the Inner Energy and moving through a process of building Internal Density.  Training the Breath is perhaps the most essential step in developing real, authentic and lasting Neigong Skill.

- Power Stance Training - 

* Standing Meditation - Zhan Zhuang - is one of the most important fundamentals in training Hsing Yi Neigong.  The practice of Standing will Transform the Body, develop structural strength, develop the Mind Will Intention, and cultivate the Qi Energy.  In our course training we will focus to develop a deep understanding of the following five postures of Sanding Meditation :  Wuji Stance / Trinity Stance / Hawk Stance / Bear Stance / Tiger Stance.  During the process of training our physical standing postures, we will also look deeply into the method of applying specific breathing patterns which we will apply internally to the standing postures we practice. Learning to apply the focused breathwork patterns internally during Standing Meditation will enhance and empower the process of Qi Cultivation, Develop the Dantian, and Focus the Mind. 



 What is Neigong..?

Neigong, originally was used as an umbrella term to describe methods of Breath Training, Meditation, Inner Energy Work, and Spiritual Practices derived from the Taoist School.  Neigong over time was absorbed and incorporated into different Internal Martial Art Traditions in China - this created the division of Internal Martial Arts which stressed Internal Neigong Training and the External Martial Arts which stressed Physical Strength Development.  

Nei - - means the Inside, Inner or the Internal.  Gong - - means an organised system of practice, an art, or a method of Self Cultivation.  Neigong can be translated to mean - the Art or Way of Inner Development.  Here we understand the use of the term 'Inner' refers to the Inner Body of Energetic Centers, Meridian Channels, and the 'Qi' or the Life Force Energy itself.

Neigong Training in the beginning will often stress  methods of  Breath Training, and Specialized Movements which will transform the Bone and Tendon Networks of the practitioner, strengthen the Inner Organs and begin the process of developing the Qi Energy.

In the first stages, the exercises are often very simple, repetitive movements, with a focus to Unify the Physical Movement and the Breath together, in a state of Harmony.   

This coordination of the individual's Body Movement with the Breath is known as the Harmonization of the Inner and Outer Energy (內外合一).  Repetition of Neigong methods over time can help to guide the student to experience Union of Mind, Body and Breath.

At a Higher Stage, Neigong Training includes methods of specific Meditation Practice dealing with Focused Concentration and also Dissolving into an Empty or No-Mind State.

In this special course offering, we will introduce Neigong Training Methods from the Hsing Yi System and our focus will be on developing greater health, flexibility, inner strength, mobility training, and developing a focused ability of Mind Will Concentration.


Hsing Yi is similar to Taoist Meditation Practice....

Both have the goal of Gaining Emptiness.

But where we go from Inaction to Action, the Taoists go from Action to Inaction.

We borrow from the Taoists the 'Three Transformations' 

- Transform Essence to Energy

- Transform Energy to Spirit 

- Transform Spirit to Emptiness....

With your advancement through these stages,

there shall occur 'Three Changes' in your body : 

1. Changes of the Bone.

2. Changes of the Tendons.

3. Washing of the Bone Marrow.  

To Change the Bones means you hold your body like a mountain.  When you stand and move, your bones shall become hard and strong. 

To Change the Tendons is to fuse Energy into and through all the Tendons, forming membranes to them and energising them.

 To Wash and Clean the Bone Marrow is to relax completely and purify and refine the Internal Organs by using your Mind, thus making your body light as a feather.

In the Highest Stage, Hsing Yi follows the Wind, and chases the Moon...

 Guo Yunshen – 郭雲深 -   


North River HsingYi Chuan Lineage

Our System of HsingYi is drawn directly from the North River Hsing Yi Chuan which is a style that developed in the Hebei region of Northern China and draws its lineage in a direct line to the famous 19th century boxer Guo Yunshen often known by his title - the ‘Divine Crushing Fist’ - because of his single minded focus on mastery of the Wood Element Form, ‘the Crushing Fist’.  Ancestral Teacher Guo Yunshen was a living example of the HsingYi philosophy to become highly proficient in a single skill, rather than learning many forms and lacking in demonstrable skill.  

The North River Hsing Yi System is very unique in the fusion of the circularity found in PaKua Zhang, the 5 Elemental Powers found in the practice of Hsing Yi Chuan and the Internal Neigong Training drawn from the Taoist School.   A very unique method and a complete system of Hsing Yi Chuan which was transmitted by the late Sifu Kenny Gong in New York City Chinatown, after his immigration from Mainland China.  Sifu Kenny Gong was a very rare and unique practitioner, who explored, developed, and deeply embodied the kinetic powers of HsingYi that are often misunderstood or lacking in most modern day practitioners.  We all owe a debt of deep gratitude for the exploration that Sifu Gong undertook to uncover and embody the Internal Attributes contained within Hsing Yi.

We were very fortunate to have been able to study directly under a principle and long term senior student of Sifu Kenny Gong in Hawaii in the 1990’s.  During our time of private training in Hawaii we were taught in a very clear and systematic manner the steps, methods and stages of training contained in Sifu Gong’s HsingYi System.   We have been refining, exploring and internalizing  these methods now for over 30 years and it is a great joy and honor to share our fundamental understanding of this wonderful system with the public.

* below we share a video of Sifu Kenny Gong demonstrating the unique Double Butterfly Neigong form, which is a hallmark of Sifu Gong’s System. The Double Butterfly Neigong combines the powers of the 5 Elements and the 12 Animals in a spontaneous expression of Issuing Power, Energy, and Movement - in a unified manner. 





June 23 - August 18, 2024


*** June 23 - lesson 1 ***

 Warm ups: Double Butterfly Neigong, Swallow Form, Ostrich Form, Alligator Form, Serving Teacups, Three Roots - Dantian Breath Training.

 Five Exercises of Power - Dragon turns head / Searching for the moon.

Standing Meditation -  Opening Form / Trinity Stance / Hawk Stance.

Lecture  - Dantian Breath Training and the concept of ‘Embrace’  - understanding the difference of Pre Birth and Post Birth Breathing

*** June 30 - lesson 2 ***

 Warm ups: Double Butterfly Neigong…

 Five Exercises of Power - Lion Plays with the ball - Review Dragon turns head and Searching for the Moon.

Standing Meditation -  Opening Form / Trinity Stance / Hawk Stance.

Lecture  - the Three Stages of development - understanding the importance of cultivating the shape of the body. 

*** July 7 - lesson 3 ***

 Warm ups: Double Butterfly Neigong…

 Five Exercises of Power - Boa Constrictor climbs the tree.  Review Dragon turns Head, Searching for the Moon, and Lion plays with the Ball.

Standing Meditation -  Opening Form / Trinity Stance / Hawk Stance.

Lecture  - Understanding the 5 Elemental Powers and the relationship to the physical movements of Hsing Yi.

*** July 14 / July 21 / August 4 / August 11 / August 18 ***

* lessons 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 /  8 *

Warm ups: Double Butterfly Neigong…

 Five Exercises of Power - training all five exercises of power together - teaching the inner breathwork. 

Standing Meditation -  Opening Form /  Trinity Stance / Hawk Stance./ Bear Standing / Tiger Standing. 

Element Form Training -  Metal form and Water form - combined and expressed in the Dragon Linear Form training..

Lecture  - the 3 Regulations / the 6 Harmonies / the Eight Principles and the Eight Words /  the Hsing Yi Classics -  by the past Masters.



Cleanse the Heart and Empty the Mind...

When one Stills the Mind 

all things shall be in harmony and balance...

By following the principle of Tao’s Natural Way,
all things can be done in a perfect manner.

                                     ~ Lao Tzu



Experience greater health, vitality and physical rejuvenation with Marrow Washing Qigong...

Taoist Marrow Washing Qigong Practice is a direct way to access and gain a profound state of health, vitality, and balance through a systematic, organised and intelligent approach to training using Natural Body Movement, Focused Concentration and Breath Work.

Taoist Marrow Washing Qigong teaches us unique Natural Movement Patterns that will open up, empower and revitalise our Physical Body as well as Awaken the Energetic Meridian System - leading us to greater states of Health, Happiness, Longevity and Vitality.

Marrow Washing Qigong represents the essential method from the Taoist School to gain Physical Transformation, Energetic Cultivation, Inner Strength and Vital Health.

Marrow Washing Qigong is seen as an important Foundation Training Method which seeks to transform the physical body, build vital health, open the Meridian System, and Train the Mind Concentration to prepare for Higher Stages of Taoist Inner Alchemy Meditation Training. 

In our personal development, we trained in the Marrow Washing Qigong for three years before learning Hsing Yi Neigong.  We feel from our own Personal Experience that the Marrow Washing Qigong Practice is an excellent way to gain important Basic Foundation Skills which will serve as attributes which allow one to progress smoothly in learning the more refined Training of Hsing Yi Neigong.

Members of the Hsing Yi Neigong Program will have full access to 10 video lessons and lectures detailing the complete practice of Marrow Washing Qigong. 

Going through the Marrow Washing Qigong Training will help to build a Strong Foundation and begin the process of  Physical Transformation which will support learning the more refined Inner Development and Subtle Practice which is contained in the Hsing Yi Neigong.

Please check the video below to see some of the dynamic movements of the Marrow Washing Qigong Form.


What students are saying...  

* What I like about Jesse is his authenticity and ability to show compassion and love to the people around him.  Those kinds of qualities are extremely rare to find and I value how they were brought into each training session and our daily lessons in our retreat. Jesse has an in depth understanding about not only the how but also the why when it comes to the Taoist Arts of Qigong and Internal Training. This makes for fun and interesting theory lessons, which give clarity and understanding to the Taoist Practices themselves.  I would highly recommend Jesse as a teacher, and I look forward to working with him more in the future.
- Kevin, Australia
* Jesse's knowledge and experience both from his time in China and from his personal healing journey are incredibly profound.  The teachings resonated deeply with me and surprised me in how elaborate and beautiful they were.  For me the training with Jesse was the missing link in my personal practice - Taoist Qigong provided the central elements, provided the Center.  The teachings are authentic, coming from a long lineage tradition, and powerful, without being forceful or unnatural to the practitioner. The instructions and techniques seem simple but they gain depth the more one practices. The training has made an enormous difference to my personal practice - adding clarity, balance and centeredness. 
- Lancia, Spain
* My experience training Taoist Qigong with Jesse was nothing short of rejuvenating and beneficial. Jesse is a great and knowledgeable teacher, I have learned a lot.  Highly Recommend this Training...
- Tagan, NYC
* Jesse's Taoist Qigong is an amazing experience back into the Ancient Practices of China’s Taoist past.  A skilful blend of mudras, breath work and postures.  My experience training was wonderful and healing.  I have not found anything like this before, highly recommended..! 
- Todd, Sweden 





Dedication to my Father

My father, Kenny Wilson Parker, passed away on April 14th, 2019.  He was such a wonderful inspiration and influence in my life, and always encouraged me in my study and pursuit of the Taoist Arts.  My father organized my very first workshop in Austin, Texas, over 20 years ago, and during that time, he gave me such valuable coaching and encouragement when I was first beginning to teach Taoist Qigong.  I often feel that during that Summer, if my father had not pushed me to begin teaching, I would not have the life I live now - teaching and sharing the Taoist Arts with the world.  I am very thankful for my father's patience and guidance in my life. 

I would like to dedicate my teachings and this program to the loving memory of my father.

Thank you Dad for all of your Love, Guidance and Support in my life...






50% Complete

I'm Ready to begin my journey to Greater Health!