Self Transformation - Way of Inner Alchemy




Tao is the noumenon of all universal things.

It is soundless, formless, and intangible.

It is not bright, not dark, and hardly nameable.

Tao is so vast that it has no limits to confine it,

and it is so minute that there is no interior to fill it.

Tao is capable of exhausting infinitude.

Tao dates back to the time when there was no beginning and there was no time.

Tao is formless, but it gives birth to Heaven and Earth;

Tao is merciless and gentle,

but charges and empowers the movements of the Sun and the Moon....

Return to the Way of Tao 

entering into an enduring state of Balance and Harmony...

~ please visit here to learn more about our Taoist Inner Alchemy Training ~ 




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