Yin Yang - Law of Harmony

Sep 07, 2021


Yin Yang is the Way of Heaven & Earth..

The Fundamental Principle of All Things...

The Father & Mother of all Change and Transformation...

The root of Birth & Death...

~Huangdi Neijing - Su Wen

Learning the application of the Law of Yin and Yang Energy Transformation is a deep secret and key to understanding the practice of Taoist Qigong and Inner Alchemy Meditation.

We may think that within our human body the general principle of the harmony of Yin and Yang Energy, is that Yang Energy should be kept strong and dense so that the Yin Energy can remain in a calm, peaceful and gentle state. Yin and Yang as a theory expresses itself in all aspects of life, form, transformation and change.

Yin produces form / Yang produces energy.

Yin grows / Yang generates.

Yin is matter / Yang is energy.

Yin descends / Yang rises.

Yin is the structure / Yang is the function.

Yin is the body, blood and body fluids / Yang is the 'Qi' Energy.

Yin is the right side /...

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