Return to Spring - Huí Chūn Qìgōng

Mar 07, 2024

Huí Chūn Qìgōng can be directly translated as - Return to Spring Energy Skill – the word Spring here is a metaphor for youth, health and vitality - for easy understanding we can call this practice - Longevity Qigong.



In the above video, we demonstrate exercise number 6 of the Long Form which is named - 'Turning the Celestial Pillar' - 'Celestial Pillar' is a term used to describe the Spinal Cord, and also the Vertical Center of the Body which runs from the perineal muscle floor to the crown of the head. Hui Chun Qi Gong was developed to build up and fill the body with the life force energy (Qi) and to rebuild the vitality (Jing), Bringing the body and mind into balance - helping to extend life, build health and develop inner harmony.



The original name of Hui Chun Qi Gong is known as - Hua Shan Yang Sheng Hui Chun Qi Gong -  花山 养生 回春氣功. This Qigong was developed sometime during the Jin-Yuan period (1115 - 1368) by...

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Journey to Thousand Peak Mountain

Feb 12, 2023


In the Spring  of 2002 - I was living in Beijing, and searching for a Qigong Master in China.  I contacted many Qigong schools, centers and people I met, searching for a traditional program. Through pure luck, I gained an introduction to Master Wang Tao who taught traditional Taoist Inner Alchemy as found in the Northern Taoist Complete Perfection School.

In order to learn with Master Wang Tao, I had to travel across China to the far North East in an area called Anshan, in Liaoning Province - my destination was 'Thousand Peak Mountain'. This was a very long journey, and little did I know, but this encounter would be an event which would change the entire course and direction of my life.

The program which Master Wang asked me to follow was very detailed, highly organised, exact and strenuous - day in and day out - rising at 5 am to perform the prescribed 8 Longevity Qigong Exercises as our warm up, and then...

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Taoist Inner Alchemy Training 2023

Feb 09, 2023

Join us for a Life Changing Journey

Taoist Inner Alchemy Communuty Workshop

We would like to invite you to join us and experience a life changing journey into the Ancient Wisdom Tradition of Taoist Inner Alchemy

Taoist Inner Alchemy is concerned with transforming the Inner Energy of the human being through systematic practice of Internal Meditation Training.



This exciting community workshop will take place each month with Live LessonsInteractive Workshops and the learning of Traditional Neidan Practice Routines.   We are very excited to guide you on a once in a lifetime journey into the mystical practice of Taoist Inner Alchemy.



The Taoist Art of Inner Alchemy Meditation is truly a treasure for us in these modern times - giving the gift of Greater Health, and Enhancing all aspects of our Life.   

Come journey with us and discover the Magical...

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Foundations of Taoist Inner Alchemy – Neidan -

Nov 23, 2021



The Firing Process of Taoist Inner Alchemy -

with its advance and withdrawal, extraction and addition, increasing and decreasing - 

concentrates a year into a month, concentrating a month into a day, concentrating a day into an hour, concentrating an hour into one breath.

From the Ages of the World on the Macrocosmic Scale - down to a Single Breath on the Microcosmic Scale, everything has a Cyclic Movement.

Those who understand this Principle shall gain the Essence of the Active and  Passive Phases of the Alchemical Process... 

---  Li Dao Chun, The Book of Balance and Harmony

In the above practice session - Jesse will guide you in the Foundation Methods of Taoist Inner Alchemy. Taoist Inner Alchemy Practice is often called - Nei Dan - in the Chinese Language, and can be translated to mean - Inner Elixir Method - we may understand that Nei Dan Practice is an esoteric doctrine, which contains physical, mental, and spiritual practices that...

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The Primal True One Energy - Yuan Qi -

Nov 13, 2021


The Primal True One Energy - Yuan Qi -

is the generative energy that gives birth to heaven, earth, and human beings.

It contains all patterns, and is present at all times.

This is what is called the Source Progenitor of Essence and Life.

Those who keep aware of this are Enlightened Sages - Immortals -

those who ignore it are Ordinary People.

- Liu Yiming – 劉一明

* Liu Yiming 劉一明 (1734–1821) - was a Chinese Taoist, philosopher, and writer. He was one of the main representatives of Taoist Internal Alchemy, or Neidan 內丹術 – Neidan is an array of esoteric Taoist doctrines, physical methods, mental training, and spiritual practices that Taoist initiates use to prolong life, enhance vitality and create an Immortal Spiritual Body which is not limited or bound to the physical realm.

- Yuan Qi – 元氣 - We may think of this as: Original Energy, Innate Energy, or the Primordial Energy.  Yuan Qi is that which we had before we were...

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Self Transformation - Way of Inner Alchemy

Oct 19, 2021



Tao is the noumenon of all universal things.

It is soundless, formless, and intangible.

It is not bright, not dark, and hardly nameable.

Tao is so vast that it has no limits to confine it,

and it is so minute that there is no interior to fill it.

Tao is capable of exhausting infinitude.

Tao dates back to the time when there was no beginning and there was no time.

Tao is formless, but it gives birth to Heaven and Earth;

Tao is merciless and gentle,

but charges and empowers the movements of the Sun and the Moon....

Return to the Way of Tao 

entering into an enduring state of Balance and Harmony...

~ please visit here to learn more about our Taoist Inner Alchemy Training ~ 




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Hsing Yi Classics

Sep 24, 2021


Hsing Yi is similar to Taoist Meditation Practice....

Both have the goal of Gaining Emptiness.

But where we go from Inaction to Action, the Taoists go from Action to Inaction.

We borrow from the Taoists the 'Three Transformations' -

Transform Essence to Energy / Transform Energy to Spirit /

Transform Spirit to Emptiness....

With your advancement through these stages,

there shall occur 'Three Changes' in your body : 

1. Changes of the Bone. 2. Changes of the Tendons. 3. Washing of the Bone Marrow.  

To Change the Bones means you hold your body like a mountain.  When you stand and move, your bones shall become hard and strong.  To Change the Tendons is to fuse Energy into and through all the Tendons, forming membranes to them and energising them.  To Wash and Clean the Bone Marrow is to relax completely and purify and refine the Internal Organs by using your Mind, thus making your...

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Yin Yang - Law of Harmony

Sep 07, 2021


Yin Yang is the Way of Heaven & Earth..

The Fundamental Principle of All Things...

The Father & Mother of all Change and Transformation...

The root of Birth & Death...

~Huangdi Neijing - Su Wen

Learning the application of the Law of Yin and Yang Energy Transformation is a deep secret and key to understanding the practice of Taoist Qigong and Inner Alchemy Meditation.

We may think that within our human body the general principle of the harmony of Yin and Yang Energy, is that Yang Energy should be kept strong and dense so that the Yin Energy can remain in a calm, peaceful and gentle state. Yin and Yang as a theory expresses itself in all aspects of life, form, transformation and change.

Yin produces form / Yang produces energy.

Yin grows / Yang generates.

Yin is matter / Yang is energy.

Yin descends / Yang rises.

Yin is the structure / Yang is the function.

Yin is the body, blood and body fluids / Yang is the 'Qi' Energy.

Yin is the right side /...

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Consider That Which is Insignificant

May 29, 2021


That which is still and at rest is easily kept quiet...

That which has not yet appeared is easily prevented.
What is still feeble and weak is easily broken.
What is still deficient is easily dispersed.
Treat things before they exist.
Regulate things before disorder begins.
The strong tree originated from a tiny root.
A tower of nine stories is built up brick by brick.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single footstep.
If one tries to improve a thing, one damages it;
if one grasps it, they lose it.
The wise one, therefore, not attempting to form things does not damage them, and not grasping after things, they do not lose them.
The people in their rush for completing a task are ever approaching success,
but continually failing.
One must be as careful in the end as in the beginning if they are to succeed.
Therefore the wise one desires to be free from desire,
they do not value the things that are difficult to attain.
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Metal Element Qigong

Mar 15, 2020



Nurturing Energy, forget words and guard it,

Conquer the mind, follow Non-Doing.

The Human body is only Vitality, Energy & Spirit.

Vitality, Energy & Spirit ~ the 'Three Treasures'.

These Three Treasures are what makes up a human being, and are at the very root of our health, vitality and spiritual expression.

~ Ancestor Lu DongBin

A wonderful way to build your health, vitality and immunity is through the Ancient Wisdom we find from the Arts of Taoist Qigong and Inner Alchemy Meditation.

Here we offer the practice of the 'Metal Element Qigong' from our Immortal Arts Qigong System, to aid in your health and well being at this time when many are suffering from stress, worry, and adjusting to the changes taking place in our community and lifestyle.

Metal Element in the Taoist Doctrine corresponds to the organ of the Lung, the skin and hair, and the colour of White Gold. The Metal Element relates to our Physical Energy and also our Protective Energy, Immune...

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