Cucumber Water - Boosting Immunity

Mar 27, 2020

I like to drink cucumber water with ginger these days... add 2-3 chopped cucumber to a water jug, and allow it to soak over night before drinking - add ginger slice for a wonderful taste, and added boost to your immune system... as you drink, refill the water level - to enjoy over 1 day or more...

Cucumber water has many wonderful health benefits, including hydration, weight loss, boosting immune system, lowering blood pressure, and skin health....

Cucumbers contain a range of vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients that help prevent a variety of conditions, including cancer and diabetes, as well as keeping bones, skin, and muscles healthy...

Cucumbers are high in antioxidants and other nutrients. By adding them to water, they make a glass of water more nutritious and antioxidant-rich.

Cucumbers are rich in the following antioxidants:

*vitamin A
*vitamin K

Cucumbers are an excellent source of potassium, making cucumber water a good way to...

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Metal Element Qigong

Mar 15, 2020



Nurturing Energy, forget words and guard it,

Conquer the mind, follow Non-Doing.

The Human body is only Vitality, Energy & Spirit.

Vitality, Energy & Spirit ~ the 'Three Treasures'.

These Three Treasures are what makes up a human being, and are at the very root of our health, vitality and spiritual expression.

~ Ancestor Lu DongBin

A wonderful way to build your health, vitality and immunity is through the Ancient Wisdom we find from the Arts of Taoist Qigong and Inner Alchemy Meditation.

Here we offer the practice of the 'Metal Element Qigong' from our Immortal Arts Qigong System, to aid in your health and well being at this time when many are suffering from stress, worry, and adjusting to the changes taking place in our community and lifestyle.

Metal Element in the Taoist Doctrine corresponds to the organ of the Lung, the skin and hair, and the colour of White Gold. The Metal Element relates to our Physical Energy and also our Protective Energy, Immune...

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5 Gates of Change

Jun 21, 2018

 Immortal Arts - Gateway to the Tao

The 5 Gates of Change are five unique Stages of Self Transformation.

Within the practice of the Immortal Arts Method, the student shall pass through Three Unique Stages of Transformation.

  1. Transformation of Body

  2. Transformation of Energy

  3. Transformation of Spirit

    As the student moves through the  3 Stages of Transformation’, they shall pass through the  ‘5 Gates of Change’  - five unique stages of Self Transformation.

  4. Gate of Awakening ~ Awakening to a new view of life, living, and a new view of our connection with nature. Awakening the vital healing energy flow that lies within. Awakening and opening the energy channels and energy centers.

  5. Gate of Nurture ~ The ability of self nurturing through practice grows. Through this practice, self healing begins to take place. Inner Balance begins to grow.

  6. Gate of Transform ~ Body transforms, energy transforms, consciousness transforms. The negative...

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Opening the 5 Energy Gates

Jun 17, 2018


In the practice of Qigong, Neigong and Taoist Yoga we are taught various aspects of the Energy Body, such as the 'Energy Gates' and the '8 Spiritual Vessels'. Learning about our Energetic Anatomy is a very important step in our ‘Awakening’. Awakening to our True Nature as divine, ‘Energetic Beings’. We are not limited to just this physical form of our ‘Body’ and the physical world. We also have a vibrant, dynamic, and sacred ‘Energy Body’.

As we begin to learn about our Energy Body, one of the first and very important concepts  has to do with our 'Energy Gates'. In learning about our Energy Gates, first we must understand, we have two types or qualities of Energy Gates – these are the Inner Gates and the Outer Gates.

The Inner Energy Gates are the places where the Energetic Meridians connect in the body, and move from one area to another - for example for energy to pass from the arm into the torso, the meridians...

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Emptiness - travel across the times....

May 31, 2018


I was originally like a Seed from pure emptiness…

delicate and free , traveling across the times…

Tired of being entangled by fame and fortune…

I shall rest myself for a while in dirt and dust... 

~ Li Qing Temple




Emptiness is a theme of Taoist thought and also practice - it is often said that Emptiness is what gives things their value and usefulness - the value of a cup, lies in it's empty space - but perhaps in our modern world, we focus more on materiality, form, and the gaining of objects with obvious form..  

Yet Emptiness is also a thing, or a state, is it not...?

When Emptiness is contrasted with form, the opposite of Form is the Formless or the Empty State.

what is Emptiness exactly...?

It is nothing....!

What is No Thing...?

In Taoist thought we often refer to the 'Mind' as the "Heart, or sometimes we refer to the Heart/Mind...  

The Heart is something that may accommodate both...

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