Hsing Yi Classics

Sep 24, 2021


Hsing Yi is similar to Taoist Meditation Practice....

Both have the goal of Gaining Emptiness.

But where we go from Inaction to Action, the Taoists go from Action to Inaction.

We borrow from the Taoists the 'Three Transformations' -

Transform Essence to Energy / Transform Energy to Spirit /

Transform Spirit to Emptiness....

With your advancement through these stages,

there shall occur 'Three Changes' in your body : 

1. Changes of the Bone. 2. Changes of the Tendons. 3. Washing of the Bone Marrow.  

To Change the Bones means you hold your body like a mountain.  When you stand and move, your bones shall become hard and strong.  To Change the Tendons is to fuse Energy into and through all the Tendons, forming membranes to them and energising them.  To Wash and Clean the Bone Marrow is to relax completely and purify and refine the Internal Organs by using your Mind, thus making your...

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